Twelve Angry Jurors

Picture of 12 Angry Jurors
Directed by Scott Miller
Produced by Joe Dwyer
Presented at the K-W Little Theatre
Show dates Dec. 6th. - 9th. 1995
Foreman John Canhoto
Juror #2 Kristen Hagey
Juror #3 Frank Neary
Juror #4 Orin Pilgrim
Juror #5 Courtney Hilker
Juror #6 Margaret Steel Farrell
Juror #7 Deedee McCulligh
Juror #8 Rosemary Ryan
Juror #9 Don Bourgeois
Juror #10 Darcel Kirvan
Juror #11 Tim Farrell
Juror #12 Wendy Weinberg
Guard Ingrid Bongers