The Return of the Curse of the Mummy's Revenge

Picture of The return of the Curse of the Mummy's Revenge
Directed by Allan Hoch
Produced by Sil Del Cul and Rita Hoch
Musical Director Steve Lehmann
Presented at the Victoria Park Pavilion
Show dates Aug. 13th. - 15th.,
20th. - 22nd. 1992
Sadista Lisa Duskocy
Ankara Julie Shaw
Pierre Todd Karges
Faartukoman John Canhoto
Kharum Paris Jago
Jeff Rick Camacho
Finklestein Bruce Cameron
Clerk Dawn Miles
Susan Paula Stankowitsch
Andrea Darcel C. Kirvan
Milhouse Ryan Hovinga
Billings Jack Cooper
dance, chorus John Costa
Dawn Miles
Julie Shaw